Recognition Committee


George Chacko
Pace University
[email protected]


Charge & Purpose:

The Recognition Committee is established by vote of the Board. The committee serves to:

  • Make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding awards and recognition appropriate to the organization.
  • Develop criteria for selecting and rewarding recognitions approved by the Board.
  • Assist the Executive Office in administering awards and recognition processes.

Committee Composition:

  • The Committee voting members shall be composed of:
  • No more than 5 members in good standing.
    • At least two Institutional Members
    • At least one Corporate Members
  • A chair or co-chairs selected from the committee members.


Those appointed to the committee shall serve two-year staggered terms. Co-chairs, if utilized, shall be on staggered terms. Terms shall start at the beginning of the fiscal year for which members are first appointed. Members and chairs may be appointed to consecutive terms. The Board may fill vacancies within a term and may change the term of any individual who is unable to fulfill the activities of the committee.

Time Commitment:

The expected time commitment is 2 hours a month, or 20 hours per year. The committee meets no less than once per quarter, or more frequently to meet deliverables and milestones. Meetings are held virtually, and some activities may be asynchronous. Members may have occasional follow-up assignments outside of meetings (for example, reviewing or editing a membership drive plan, or doing outreach to members and non-members).

Activities and Deliverables:

  • Provide written updates to the Executive Director and the Board.
  • Develop, revise, and publish criteria and processes for recognitions and awards with the approval of the Board.
  • Solicit nominations for recognitions and awards.
  • Engage with the membership on awards and recognitions.
  • Assist Executive Office with tasks related to awards process and ceremonies.

Interested in participating in the Recognition Committee? Contact the Executive Office for details