The LISTSERV is a unique place that facilitates information sharing amongst peers located at various higher education institutions and affiliated companies throughout the world. It provides the opportunity for institutional and corporate members to come together to solve problems and share helpful tips and tricks.

The ETC LISTSERV is open to all current members of ETC. It is a closed list: only members can subscribe and only members can post to it. The LISTSERV provides members with a forum to consult the expertise of all of its members. Members who wish to subscribe should contact the Executive Office.

Click here to view LISTSERV home page


Email delivery is available in the following formats:

  • Individual messages (You will receive each message in an individual email.)
  • Full featured digest (Group up to 12 messages together as one email instead of being sent individually - rich formatting).
  • Plain Digest (Group up to 12 messages together as one email instead of being sent individually - plain formatting).
  • Daily Summary (A daily summary, delivered in the morning, of the group's messages from the previous day.)
  • Special Notices Only (You will only receive special notices from the moderators.)
  • No Email (You will receive no emails. All messages can still be accessed online.)

To edit your subscription email delivery setting, click here


Missed a post, want to see if a topic has been discussed -- view the archives and start searching now. You must register for a LISTSERV password, if you've not already done so. This password is NOT the same as your ETC member/website password. Register for a new LISTSERV password here.



Although ETC does not require an individual to submit an item to be posted for review before posting nor do we undertake editorial control of postings, we do monitor the LISTSERV.  

The spirit of the ETC LISTSERV is to provide our Institutional Members valuable resources and timely information regarding technology and technology applications. Unsolicited posts or sales pitches are not advised.

Last Revised January 15, 2025 


One of the many benefits of corporate membership in ETC is direct access to the ongoing dialogue conducted on our listserv. These peer conversations provide a unique insight into real world trends and issues as well as questions and suggestions posed by current and potential customers. The listserv is a collegial atmosphere where corporate and institutional members all sit on the same side of the table; we therefore ask corporate members to refrain from conducting “sales pitches” within this forum. However, we do recognize there are instances where a particular product may satisfy the specific needs being discussed. Corporate members may engage in these listserv conversations with some restrictions:

  • Refrain from negative or derogatory comments about other companies or the competition
  • No unsolicited posts about any products or product information (replies to posts about specific product solutions are allowed)
  • No direct sales pitches, the listserv is not a direct vehicle to doing sales with the members
  • Replying to posts about specific product solutions is ok. Here are some examples:
    • Institutional Member posts ‘Hey, I’m looking for a new Interactive Screen Solution for my Classroom…what does the membership recommend?’ Corporate members can reply to this post with specific product information and solutions.
  • Posts about company information are ok. Here are some examples:
    • Company news/updates
      • New Technologies & applications related to Higher Education
      • Higher Education Case Studies
      • Industry related news.
    • Events
    • Shows
    • Training / webinars / courses
    • Job listings
    • Seeking information / member volunteers

 The following guidelines are intended as general tips for participating in electronic mailing lists in a responsible and courteous manner.

  • Professional, respectful language in LISTSERV posts is expected from all members.
  • Include a signature tag on all messages. Keep the signature brief, but make sure it includes at least your name and affiliation and your e-mail address, but be sure to remove any marketing or promotional statements that may be in the signature.
  • Make the subject line meaningful and useful
  • When responding to a posting, place your comments at the top of the message and include only the relevant portions of the previous message in your reply
  • Remember that when you hit the reply button that you will be automatically responding to the entire list. Only reply to the entire list if it benefits everyone.
  • To reply directly to a single member of the list, copy/paste or type their e-mail address into the “To” line.
  • Do not send administrative/membership messages (e.g. unsubscribe requests) to the list. Such messages should go to the Executive Office.

Intentional violations of this policy may result in revocation of posting privileges. If you have any concerns or wish to seek additional guidance on ETC listserv contribution etiquette, please contact the Executive Office. We thank you for your understanding and continued contributions, and hope that the listserv will provide an invaluable resource for your company!

If you have any questions about the LISTSERV, contact the Executive Office.