2025 ETC Annual Conference Corporate Partner Opportunities
The 2025 ETC Annual Conference will be held October 14-17, hosted by North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC. The conference provides an excellent source for professional development, facilitates great networking opportunities and presents a great platform to increase your company's visibility. It also provides the opportunity to participate in the sponsor showcase (tabletop displays).
Showcase Schedule:
The Showcase is currently scheduled for the below times and subject to change until the draft program is developed.
Tuesday, October 14th; Setup 9:00am – 5:00pm Wednesday, October 15th; 9:00am – 5:00pm Thursday, October 16th; 9:00am-3:30pm
All Corporate Partners are invited to stay for the entirety of the conference and attend sessions as available.
Strategic Partner $8,500
Includes two Sponsor Showcase tables.
- One Concurrent session time slot (time and date TBD).
- Recognition during evening functions and welcome session.
- Your logo, with clickable link, will be featured on the ETC home page from July 1, 2025-June 30, 2026.
- Social media recognition of sponsorship.
- Your logo as a link to your company’s web site on the conference app.
- Two individual conference registrations (includes all events and meals).
- One-year, complimentary membership in ETC for up to two individuals.
- Option to participate in Sponsor Showcase -- Two 6' tables provided for Strategic Partners.
Welcome Reception Partner $7,000
Includes one Sponsor Showcase table.
Welcome reception will be an extended happy hour to kick off the conference. It will take place on Tuesday as a kickoff to the conference. This partnership will include hors d’oeuvres and one-complimentary drink for all attendees.
- Special recognition during opening reception.
- Branded swag at the reception including your logo.
- Recognition during functions and welcome reception.
- Your logo, with clickable link, will be featured on ETC homepage from July 1, 2025-June 30, 2026.
- Social media recognition of sponsorship.
- Your logo with a link to your company’s web site on the conference app.
- Two individual conference registrations (includes all events and meals).
- One-year, complimentary membership in ETC for up to two individuals.
- Option to participate in Sponsor Showcase – One 6’ table provided.
Sponsor Showcase Lunch Partnership $7,000
Includes one Sponsor Showcase table.
Branded lunch and recognition for choice of the Wednesday or Thursday Sponsorship Showcase lunch.
- Special recognition during opening reception.
- Recognition during functions and sponsored lunch.
- Branded swag at the lunch with your logo.
- Your logo, with clickable link, will be featured on ETC homepage from July 1, 2025-June 30, 2026.
- Social media recognition of sponsorship.
- Your logo with a link to your company’s web site on the conference app.
- Two individual conference registrations (includes all events and meals).
- One-year, complimentary membership in ETC for up to two individuals.
- Option to participate in Sponsor Showcase – One 6’ table provided for Showcase Lunch.
Conference App Partner $6,500
Includes one Sponsor Showcase table.
- Recognition during evening functions and welcome session.
- Your logo, with clickable link, will be featured on the ETC home page from July 1, 2025-June 30, 2026.
- Social media recognition of sponsorship.
- Dedicated Sponsor Banner within Conference App Platform.
- Two individual conference registrations (includes all events and meals).
- One-year, complimentary membership in ETC for up to two individuals.
- Option to participate in Sponsor Showcase - One 6' table provided for Conference App Partner.
Supporting Partner $5,000
Includes one Sponsor Showcase table.
- Recognition during evening functions and welcome session.
- Your logo, with clickable link, will be featured on the ETC home page from July 1, 2025-June 30, 2026.
- Social media recognition of sponsorship.
- Your logo as a link to your company’s web site on the conference app.
- Two individual conference registrations (includes all events and meals).
- One-year, complimentary membership in ETC for up to two individuals.
- Option to participate in Sponsor Showcase - One 6' table provided to each Supporting Partner.
Contributing Partner
Unlimited opportunities available, DOES NOT include table in Sponsor Showcase.
- Recognition during evening functions and welcome session.
- Your logo, with clickable link, will be featured on the ETC home page from July 1, 2025-June 30, 2026.
- Social media recognition of sponsorship.
- Your logo as a link to your company’s web site on the conference app.
- One individual conference registration (includes all events and meals).
- One-year, complimentary membership in ETC for up to two individuals.
- This partnership level does NOT allow for a table in the Sponsor Showcase.
Additional Sponsorship Options A la carte options available for purchase until September 2nd, must be a corporate member in good standing to purchase a la carte options.
Headshot Station Partnership $2,500
- Includes exclusive sponsorship of professional headshot station. Headshot station will be set up for two hours during Wednesday Sponsor Showcase Lunch Break.
- Branded email following the event for headshot distribution to those that participated in this opportunity.
- Sponsor signage will be provided at headshot station.
- Additional promotion of the headshot station will be included in daily announcements for the event.
IDEA Social Hour Partnership $2,000
- Includes exclusive opportunity to sponsor the IDEA Committee's Social. This is intended to be an all-inclusive, alcohol-free environment. The Social is scheduled for Wednesday, October 15, 2025 and will begin after the conclusion of the Recognition Dinner at approximately 7:00pm.
- Sponsor signage will be provided.
- Additional promotion of the Social will be included in daily announcements for the event.
Lanyard Partnership $1,500
- Exclusive opportunity.
- Partner logo included on lanyards.
- Handed out to attendees at registration.
15 Minute Case Study Session $1,000
Live Session that focuses on a product or solution implementation in higher education that is relevant to the ETC audience.
- Can be co-presented with the institution if desired, but this is not a requirement.
- Multiple sessions may be grouped together for scheduling purposes.
- Limit 3 (Combined into one session)
* Important Reminders:
Corporate members are able to attend any session. Corporate members may present in general sessions as co‐presenters with an institutional member if desired, but this is not a requirement. Presentation should be relevant to ETC Mission and interests of the membership. Session must follow all other guidelines for general sessions for the conference. Direct sales pitches are not scheduled as general sessions. Presentations will be recorded as any other session and requires completion of release form. This does not apply to pre-conference workshops or other activities.
Cancellation policy: No refunds are given for cancellations.
Contact the ETC Executive Office if you have any questions.