2025 Annual Conference Call for Proposals - Due May 1st
NC State University in Raleigh, NC

The mission of ETC is to provide leadership and a forum for information exchange to the providers of media content, academic technology, live events, and support for quality teaching and learning at institutions of higher education.  The 2025 ETC Program Committee welcomes proposals for topics that exemplify the mission of our organization.  “Imagine the Possibilities, Achieve the Extraordinary” is our conference theme, so preference will be given to those proposals that feature innovative or visionary ideas, processes, or products and foster collaborative discussions.  All sessions will be 45 minutes with a 15-minute Q/A session

Proposals are submitted through an online form at the link below.

A 25% discount on registration will be extended to all accepted presenters for the 2025 Annual Conference.

Proposals will be evaluated on the following factors, and the proposal should address each:

Relevance and Appeal How important is the topic to the membership?
Originality How innovative and original is the perspective, approach, or solution?
Organization How clear, concise, and well-organized is the proposal?
Learning Outcomes How relevant are the learning outcomes to the proposal’s topic? How realistic and achievable are the learning outcomes in the time/format proposed?



AFTER YOU SUBMIT: If you do not receive a confirmation screen immediately after you submit your proposal, contact the ETC Executive Office.

Note: Proposals which are not submitted in their entirety by May 1, 2025 will not be considered. Proposals will be considered incomplete if materials are missing or if materials are submitted in the incorrect format.
Submissions will be reviewed after all submissions are received. The primary presenter will be contacted via email once the Program Committee finalizes the conference sessions.